The best place to start is at the beginning,
when Murphy Meets Maria...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Name is William Snagpock

My name is William Snagpock. I've decided that the time has come for me to pass on what I've learnt from life, and I intend to do this in the form of fiction. I hope this blog will be beneficial both to myself and to both of my readers. I want to leave my mark on the world, just like a dog leaves his mark on the wheel of a car.

The characters I write about are entirely fictional, but personal experience has played an important part in their formation. I'm a man of the world, and that world got much bigger when I overcame my fear of flying and of the devil. I've nearly been to parties in mansions. I've played roulette with almost-beautiful women in casinos. I've played Russian Roulette in a shack in Carlow. I've played Carlow tennis with a pig in Russia. Of course, my imagination has had to fill in a lot of the gaps, but I've yet to come across a gap that's too big for my mind.